
GopherHawk Trap Only

$23.99 $29.99

GopherHawk Trap OnlySingle traps are available to expand coverage area for large properties or heavy infestation, but do not include the necessary wedge and probe tool. Purchase a trapping set first, wedge & probe required for proper use.With gardens and l

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GopherHawk Trap OnlySingle traps are available to expand coverage area for large properties or heavy infestation, but do not include the necessary wedge and probe tool. Purchase a trapping set first, wedge & probe required for proper use.With gardens and lawns of our own being affected by burrowing pests we began looking for a faster more effective way to eliminate the threat. Not only speed of capture but ease of placement and retrieval as well. In our own experience we have found it troublesome to both locate and excavate tunnels prior to placing the traps. Also having no indication of whether a trap has been activated or not leaves you excavating the area just to check the trap, even if it has not yet caught a gopher.
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